I plan to tell you more details about my nursing journey in the future (if anyone is interested of course!) but for now I will tell you, I am tired of buying nursing pads! I have almost spent as much on nursing pads as I would have spent on formula. So those who say nursing saves money, that might not be true if you’re anything like me. But I found a solution that has been working pretty well for me and I thought you may be interested as well.
When I bought my third box of nursing pads by the time my little guy was only 1 month old I started looking for something that didn’t feel like plastic in my bra. My mom made me burp cloths out of reusable diapers and I have loved them. I knew she had some left over reusable diapers and I thought I could cut out a couple of circles and keep them in my bra. It worked pretty well but they moved all over and folded! I considered velcro, but no side of velcro would be comfortable in your bra.
If you have an infant, you are very familiar with snap closures. (They put them on every outfit. Zippers are my best friend right now!) I was buttoning up Leo’s onesie one day and thought, ‘Hey! I should attach the disposable diaper with a snap in my bra!’. So that’s what I did.
What you need to make your own Nursing Bra Pad Inserts
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Start by tracing a circle on your reusable diaper. Make it bigger than you think you’ll want it. If you have a current favorite nursing pad, trace it!
Then cut out your circle.
I decided to add a small pleat to mine so it sat more comfortably in my bra. This is totally optional, and I’m not sure it made a ton of difference. To do this, draw a triangle with the tip at the center of your circle. Line the two sides of the triangle up and just stitch a straight line.
Then I measured where I wanted my snaps. I tried doing just one and two snaps but found three was the best number. It prevented it from folding in on itself but wasn’t too many snaps to close.
My snap closure set came with everything I needed. I did use a hammer to make sure it was on there really well though. I would highly suggest trying out two or three snaps (both sides) on practice cloth. They aren’t difficult, but you will probably want to try it a couple of times before you start hammering a nice nursing bra!
I made sure to put the flat part of the snap closure on my bra and the pointy part on the pad. This way, if I need to wash the pad and wear my bra without it, I don’t have something poking me.
That’s really all it took to solve my problem! Now I need to go do it to all of my bras so I always have the snaps to insert the pads into.
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