Use indigo shibori fabric to make these simple but beautiful bookmarks. You can use any scrap fabric of your choice for a gift anyone will love.
The indigo shibori trend right now has been so fun. I love all things natural dyed (it’s why I started my Etsy shop!) so it’s been fun to see the unique patterns and shapes make their ways onto unconventional things around the home. I always seem to need a bookmark but have a hard time going out and buying them. I thought I’d show you a simple tutorial to make your own at home!
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What you need for your DIY shibori bookmark
- Scrap fabric (if you don’t know how to naturally dye things, you can just buy one of my towels here to make this craft!)
- Kraft Board or hard cardstock
- Scissors – I used my Cricut so they were all the same size
- String of your choice. I used suede cord
- Decoupage
Start by cutting your Kraft board with either your scissors or Cricut into 2″x6″ strips.
Take your decoupage and apply it evenly to the surface of your rectangle. Make sure it is a thin even layer all the way to the corners.
Next you will gently lay your fabric scraps on top of the rectangle. For an even finish I put my iron on the fabric while it dried. The iron was not on it was just simple for the even weight.
Once your fabric has dried, use a whole punch to string your string through. This step is totally optional. If you like the look of your bookmark without the string, it’s totally fine to leave it stringless!
Now you are all finished! Using Kraft Board is a good way to know these bookmarks will stand the test of time. With a baby around my house I need all the durability I can get! These also make a perfect simple little gift so with Mother’s Day coming up, why not give it a try? You don’t have to use shibori scraps either you could use any of your favorite fabric scraps!
If you liked this post you might also like these ‘snarky’ bookmarks I made as well as this DIY scrunchie tutorial. You could totally make these scrunchies with fabric scraps too!